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Night Fishing Gummy Sharks

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” thickness=”0″ up=”30″ down=”0″][vc_column_text] 170105-featureAround full moon when the tides are perfect for night fishing the large gummy sharks move close into the beach to feed on sand crabs, this is the time to catch a gummy shark for the freezer.

Bag limits apply to gummy shark in Tasmania waters (2 per person) but 2 large gummy sharks will keep the average family in top quality flake for a long time.

We offer night fishing packages with a BBQ dinner, these packages start from 8pm and we fish after dark when the gummy shark tend swim along the beaches in schools. Also there is the chance of catching large flathead and salmon. Not to mention some of the most magnificent sunsets that you are able to see anywhere in the world.

Some of the fish that you are likely to catch are large flathead to 6 kilo’s, Australian Salmon to 4 kilo’s, Gummy Shark to 20 kilo’s+ and various other beach species.